Make Me
I used to be a cop, and now I kill people for fun. Yeah, yeah I know. Never admit to your crimes. But you don’t know who I am. To you, I’m just words in a blurb. Besides, I don’t plan on living that long anyway.
The system has failed us. There is no justice. So, before I go, I’ll be the justice.
You know. AKAB. All Killers Are Bastards, or however the fuck the saying goes.
I kill people because they deserve it. But, suddenly, there’s a copycat mimicking my style and stealing my marks. To top it all off, this copycat reminds me of someone. Someone very painful to remember.
I won’t let this slide. Fuck Ronan Carter for making me remember, and fuck him for stealing my kills. He’s going down. You can be sure of that.
I’ve been a cop for over a decade. But there’s one kind of case I won’t work—crimes against children. Suddenly, pedophiles start turning up dead all over town. There are multiple serial killers on the loose, and despite not wanting to dig into my past, it’s my job to find them.
To find them and to stop them.
No matter what it takes.